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Highlighting the RMS Parent Advisory Group (PAG)

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Highlighting the RMS Parent Advisory Group (PAG)

The RMS Parent Advisory Group (PAG) is a vital part of the school community. “Our goal is to partner with the school staff to create enriching activities for the RMS students,” says Courtney Stenseth, a PAG volunteer and member. One of their hallmark events is Winterfest, a lively celebration that features fun activities, prizes and food. “It’s a huge party celebrating the school community,” she adds, highlighting the group’s dedication to fostering a sense of belonging and fun.

The PAG is also proud of its efforts to strengthen bonds between families and the school. “Our main goals are to support teachers and staff, provide great experiences for students and bring families together to build a stronger connection to the school,” explains Julie Solomonson, another member of the PAG. “We believe the PAG makes a big impact by providing resources that enhance learning and giving everyone a chance to get involved,” Julie says.

Beyond events, the PAG plays a crucial role in addressing needs that the district’s budget may not cover. Carly Kidd, another PAG volunteer, explains, “As all schools do, the district is constrained by a budget and sometimes there are needs that the district can’t meet and that is where our group can help. We can provide emergency clothing for students in the nurse’s office, help teachers get things off their wish lists and provide extra books for the media center and classroom libraries.” These efforts not only meet immediate needs but also build lasting connections between the school and its families. “It feels important for our group to be a part of finding solutions where there are needs,” Carly notes.

Another area in which the PAG works to support RMS is by providing staff meals during conferences. "For teachers, we really enjoy being able to provide meals and special treats for conferences when we know they have such long days," explains Carly. "It feels so good to see the staff happy with food. It’s such a small thing for us to do but means so much to them."

The group’s members emphasize that anyone can contribute, no matter how much time they have to give. “We need more diversity (and parents in general) to be a part of this group,” Courtney urges. “You can come to one meeting, help with one event or be there each time. It is totally up to you.” Julie echoes this sentiment, saying, “We want everyone to know that the PAG is for you! Whether you have time to volunteer, ideas to share or just want to support in any way you can, your involvement makes a huge difference.”

"Ultimately, this group exists to serve the needs of the school and families in the best way we can," Carly says. "It’s a great group of parents who just want to find a way to help."

The RMS PAG invites everyone to join in making the school a better place for students, staff and families. Together, they are creating a stronger, more connected community.

You can read more about the role of PTO’s in RPS on our website. 

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The RMS Parent Advisory Group

The RMS Parent Advisory Group (PAG) is a vital part of the school community. They invite everyone to join in making the school the best it can be. Learn more about the work they do to support students, staff and families. 

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