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Playing Sports and Having Fun!

Intramurals provide an opportunity for you to compete against your classmates in various sports. They are open to all students. The purpose of the intramural program is to provide fun, safe and structured athletic experiences that promote the health and wellbeing. Involvement in after-school activities is encouraged. There is no fee for participating in intramurals.


  • Students involved in the intramural program at RMS are allowed to ride the activity bus if they are current bus riders.
  • Have your ID card and activity pass to the bus driver in order to ride the bus (your activity supervisor will provide you with a bus pass).
  • Tell the driver your bus stop and they will ensure you are on the correct bus. Activity bus stops are usually very close to morning bus stop.
  • If you have any questions about the activity bus, stop into the main office or call 612-798-6402.


  • Students must meet the school's behavior requirements to participate in any intramural activity. 
  • Students must be passing all classes to participate in the Intramural Program. 

Available Intramurals

RMS intramurals include dodgeball, weight training, lego league, soccer, drama and chess. All have options for boys and girls teams. 

Register at and contact Beth Johnson with questions.

Richfield Spartan logo: gray helmet in red diamond with black background



Richfield Middle School

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