Beacons is a collaboration of the Boys and Girls Club of Minneapolis, the YMCA and the Richfield Public School District. Beacons staff are trained educators who work closely with you to create and support activities that interest you. Stop by the Beacons office or give us a call to get connected, we can’t wait to meet you!
To sign up, register online or fill out this form (English | Spanish) and return it to the school office.
About Beacons: The Beacons program engages young people as leaders and learners to create equitable schools and communities. Beacons turns schools into community centers by running free, high-quality programs after school and in the summer–all focused on belonging, relationships, enrichment and learning. To learn more about Beacons, visit the Beacons website. Beacons programs are built in partnership between young people and adults, bringing together our whole community to determine what we want to see and do during out-of-school-time.
We are offering a free online after-school program Monday-Friday at 4 p.m. Contact our staff for more information. You can also follow Beacons through social media to stay up-to-date on events and activities: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat
Beacons Staff: